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UN chief demands immediate release of UN personnel detained by Yemen’s Houthis

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday demanded the “immediate and unconditional” release of the UN personnel and others detained by Yemen’s Houthi group.
Guterres remained deeply concerned about the well-being of the UN personnel, members of civil society, national and international non-governmental organizations, diplomatic missions and private sector entities that have been detained by the Houthis for more than two months, said Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN chief, in a statement.
He said the secretary-general “demands their immediate and unconditional release.”
Dujarric noted that the secretary-general also strongly condemned the recent forced entry by the Houthis into the premises of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sanaa. He added that the Houthis handed the office back to the UN resident and humanitarian coordinator for Yemen on Monday.
Guterres reiterated that those detained must be treated with full respect for their human rights, and that they must be able to contact their families and legal representatives, the statement said.
It warned that the humanitarian situation in Yemen is dire, with over 18 million people suffering from food insecurity, epidemics, displacement, damaged infrastructure and critical economic conditions.
The United Nations is working tirelessly to address the impact of the situation on the people of Yemen, but the safety of the UN personnel must be assured, the statement said, adding that the world body and its partners “should never be targeted, arrested or detained while carrying out their mandates.” ■
